
Uncategorized Episode 30 (Season 3): Community Connections: Inspiring Change Through Health and Festivities. In this podcast, we delve into the remarkable journey of Sharen Gromling, a true community activist and a driving force behind the public healthcare initiative, Our Health. Not only is Sharen the Executive Director of this Our Health,  but she also wears the hat of President of the local Apple Blossom Festival, a beloved event […]
Uncategorized Episode 29 (season 3):”Unveiling the Silent Struggle: Navigating the Mental Health Crisis in Our Youth Join me today with mental health expert, Kali Klubertanz, as we discuss the mental health crisis facing our youth today. In the wake of the global pandemic, our youth are grappling with an unprecedented mental health crisis. The trauma of social isolation, heightened anxiety, and disrupted routines have left an indelible mark on their well-being. As […]
Uncategorized Episode 28 (Season 3): Opportunity Unleashed:A Visionary Mayor's Perspective on Seizing Success Join us on 'Opportunity Unleashed' as we delve into the captivating world of small-town leadership with Mayor Charles Harbaugh IV. In this inspiring podcast, Mayor Charles shares his unwavering belief that opportunity doesn't wait for anyone, especially in small communities. Through engaging interviews and insightful discussions, we explore the challenges and triumphs of revitalizing local […]
Uncategorized Episode 27 (Season 3):Blood, Sweat and Inheritance: Navigating the Challenges and Rewards of a Family Business In today's podcast with Josh Phelps, President of Winchester Metals, we explore the ups and downs of running a family business while offering insight and advice on how to navigate the unique challenges that come with running a business with family members.Listen as we explore the importance of building a positive work culture and the […]
Uncategorized Episode 26 (Season 3): Finding Your Why: Exploring the Power of Purpose in Life Welcome to this episode of Keeping it Real with Sharon where you will hear Sierra Collins explore the transformative power of living life with purpose. Sierra dives into how she found her sense of purpose and passion in life and how she persevered through difficult times. Listen as she shares her inspiring story with actionable […]
Uncategorized Episode 25 (Season 3): Empowering Others: Lessons from an Entrepreneurial Trailblazer "Empowering Others: Lessons from an Entrepreneurial Trailblazer" is a podcast that features an insightful conversation with Shawn Rider, a successful entrepreneur who has carved his own path to success. Shawn inspires and empowers listeners, as he shares stories of triumph and challenges in his journey as an entrepreneur. Throughout this podcast, Shawn sheds light on […]
Uncategorized Episode 24 (Season 3) Game On: Unpacking the Latest in a New Esport Business In this episode, I sit down with the founders of a new gaming and entertainment space for kids. Kevin Fowlkes and Shane Cannon share their vision for creating a safe and engaging environment where kids can play, learn, and explore their creativity. We discuss the challenges and opportunities of designing a space that caters specifically […]
Uncategorized Episode 23 (Season 3):The Desire for Success, Outweighs the Fear of Failure What started as a hobby, led to a small business. Anthony Masiello shares the story behind his new business venture and how a giant leap of Faith has kept him going strong. Wanting to spend more time with his family, Anthony gave up a secure job with benefits and dove head first into Top Dog […]
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Uncategorized Episode 22 (Season 3): The Man Behind the Story News journalist Brian Brehm has shared the many stories of the people and events in our community for years. In this episode, Brian is the story. Listen as Brian shares more about the life of a journalist and the stories that have formed him. Brian's passion for our community and being a reporter shines in […]
Uncategorized Episode 21 (Season 3): An Entrepreneur is Born Within Raised in a poverty-stricken home, Ben Savory knew from an early age the importance of working hard to make money.  His entrepreneurial spirit started while he was elementary school, going door to door selling stickers from vending machines.  He shares his story of how the many mentors who believed in him and helped him believe […]
Uncategorized Episode 20 (Season 3):Community Forward, Employee Focused Winchester City Chief of Police,  Amanda Behan, is the first woman Chief of Police in the Winchester Police Department's history. Amanda shares how she started her career in law enforcement in 2001 as an officer recruit and how she gradually rose through the ranks and was promoted to Chief of Police in 2022. Listen as […]
Uncategorized Episode 19 (Season 3): A Veteran, A Dog, A Child and Hope Aaron Taylor and Leandra Stotler join me in this very moving podcast that explores how military veterans suffering from PTSD find solace from the comfort of their pet dog. Together they discovered this same need for comfort that many children of military parents have due to  the ever changing military life. With the cost of […]
Uncategorized Episode 18 (Season 3): One Positive Thought can Change Your Whole Day Join me in a genuine conversation with Rich Weller, community activist, as he shares how positivity helps create a better quality of life. An optimistic mindset leads to  healthy living.  Rich is passionate in helping others approach life from a positive point of view, even through difficult times. Rich's life motto is: How you make […]
Uncategorized Episode 17 (Season 3): That's a Wrap! Being licensed in Real Estate within days of one another, Sharon and her office manager, Natalie Dalecky, reflect on the past two years as REALTORS.  From cheering one another on as they sat for the Real Estate exam, to cheering for one another's success as agents, Sharon and Natalie have "journeyed" through the business of […]
Uncategorized Episode 16 (season 3): The Life Changing World of Aviation On-site at Winchester Regional Airport, Carley Walker explores the vast world we live in from a birds-eye view. The opportunities are endless in the world of aviation and the Winchester Regional Airport offers programs to open up that world to each one  of us!Listen as Carley enthusiastically shares the vision of the Winchester Regional Airport […]
Uncategorized Episode 15 (Season 3): Character Development and Confidence Leads to Success Struggling from imposter syndrome and lack of confidence can be the demise of a person's career. Becky Stickley, of Becky Stickley Coaching, shares how she is able to help people find their value and develop their character to help them feel confident in business. Listen as Becky shares important lessons on how putting the right […]
Uncategorized Episode 14 (Season 3): Paradise is a Mindset Age is just a number,  not a state of mind.  Connie Paradise is 72 years old, but that doesn't stop her passion for living her best life!  After a successful career in management, Connie "retired" and began her next career as an entrepreneur at age 65.  Her story will inspire you to embrace life and […]
Uncategorized Episode 13 (Season 3): The “Real” Story of The Real Estate Market The Real Estate Market is ever changing, but the one constant is people are always buying and selling. Join me as I have a conversation with 3 seasoned agents who have been in the industry for enough years to know how to navigate the waters when things are uncertain. Join me as I talk to […]
Uncategorized Episode 12 (Season 3): Resilience in the Face of Adversity October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month; Samantha Barber shares her difficult story of by believing in herself she was able to find her way out of darkness.  As a victim of domestic abuse, Samantha shares her story  with the hope of helping others who may find themselves in the same situation that she found […]
Life's Journey Episode 10 (season 3) Inside every Entrepreneur, is the Heart of a Lion Finding the best version of oneself is a journey.  Listen as Mandie Woodard dives into how to being mindful can help you live the life you were meant to live.  Being afraid to step outside of your comfort zone may be keeping you from business and personal growth. Mandie offers constructive ways to overcome fear, […]