
Uncategorized Episode 3: A positive work culture elevates enthusiasm and leads to a better performance. Dr. Cheryl Thompson-Stacy,  Past president of Lord Fairfax Community College, has a candid discussion about the importance of a positive Business Culture.  Under Dr. Thompson-Stacy's positive leadership, this small community college became well known throughout the state. It was named four times the Number 1 community college of its size in the nation by the […]
Uncategorized Episode 1: Collaboration vs Competition When in business, many of us put ourselves last and our business first.  Kelly Botta, board certified PA and owner of Smartypants Medicine, shares valuable tools that teach us the importance of putting YOU first.  By putting yourself first, you are actually putting your business first.  Kelly shares tips on how to change the bad […]
Uncategorized Episode 10: Changing the Mindset of Business We can all agree that healthy competition is good for business and for a community. Imagine how much better business and community could be with collaboration!  In this episode, Patti Solenberger, of Solenberger's True Hardware, and Della Dehaven, retired business professional, discuss their shop local initiative and how it is creating growth in their hometown.  […]
Uncategorized Episode 9: The Art of Being an Enthusiast Listen as CEO, Cynthia Schneider shares how a shift in the mindset can help put a business on the path to success.  Cynthia has been in business for most of her adult life and is currently helping other businesses in her role as the CEO of the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber.  
Uncategorized Episode 8: Being “Comfortable” with being “Uncomfortable” What does it mean to be an "enthusiast" in life and business?  In Episode 9, Suzette Neff, Real Estate Broker, shares how she champions for people in the world of Real Estate and life to become better versions of themselves. As an enthusiast for others, Suzette has helped countless of Real Estate agents far exceed […]
Uncategorized Episode 8: Being “Comfortable” with being “Uncomfortable” In episode 8, Sharon talks about how only when we feel uncomfortable and face our fears, can we really grow. As an entrepreneur we decide whether we allow fear to paralyze us or motivate us.  Leaning in is critical to the success of business growth.
Uncategorized Episode 5: The Three Seasons in Life: Suffering, Sharpening, & Serving! In Episode 7, we take a deep dive into how motivators in the community can create waves of growth! Tune in as we go into depth about how, as entrepreneurs, we lean on our community to help us thrive and become stronger people. 
Uncategorized Episode 3: How philanthropy can be a catalyst for change with Jenny Grooms! In this episode, with Jay Foreman, we dive deep into how the three seasons in life can impact you and drive you towards success! Listen in as we decipher how to grow through the suffering, stay strong during the sharpening, and remain humble through serving. 
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